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1. How many 单位 do I need to 转移? 

  1. 加州大学和科罗拉多州立大学给予转学到加州初中的最高优先权 community college applicants with 60 semester (90 quarter) 单位.
  2. 由于招生预算的削减,许多科罗拉多州立大学和加州大学的校园限制了学生的入学 does not admit lower division (freshman and sophomore) 转移 students.
  3. 加州大学需要60个学期(90个季度)的加州大学可转学单元.
  4. 一旦学生完成至少60个可转学学期,科罗拉多州立大学就授予大三学生资格 单位.
  5. 私立学院和大学通常接受少于60个学期的学生 单位. 请在目录或网站上查看转让的最低单位要求 of the private college or 大学 of your choice.

2. 加州州立大学(CSU)和加州大学有什么区别 加州大学(UC)?

加州 has two public 大学 systems.

  1. 目前有23个校区.
  2. 在加州高等教育部门中授予学士学位最多.
  3. 学习重点被认为是两种系统中更实用、更以职业为导向的一种.
  4. Grants bachelor, master and doctorate degrees in conjunction with UC.


  1. 现有10个校区. However, UC San Francisco is a professional school only.
  2. Focus of study is more theoretical and research-oriented.
  3. Grants professional, bachelor, master and doctorate degrees. 

3. 什么是协助?

协助.org 是加州公立学院和大学的官方发音库吗 并提供最准确和最新的学生转学信息 加州. This is an essential tool for 转移计划.

4. What courses should I take before I 转移?

对于大多数打算大三转学的学生来说,修基础课程是很重要的 通识教育课程. However, in some cases it is more important to complete 主修课程.

Connect with your Counselor to determine the proper lower division 主要 courses to take.

5. How do I find out about 转移 and 主要 requirements for my school?

每学期向你的辅导员报到,确保你符合要求 and are on track to 转移. Additionally, attend the 转移 application workshops 由 转移中心.
Connect with your Counselor.

查伯特学院与加州大学、科罗拉多州立大学和一些私立大学有衔接协议. Articulated courses and requirements are available at the 通识教育 & 迁移模式网页.

6. What GPA do I need to 转移?

There is a difference between eligibility and acceptance.

The minimum GPA required to be 符合条件的 for CSU admissions consideration is 2.0, UC是2.4.
However, meeting the minimum 并不意味着接受 as there may be higher GPA requirements for particular 主要s.


  1. Maintain the highest of grades.
  2. 与你的辅导员密切合作,尤其是在申请竞争激烈的大学时 或程序.
  3. Register to the Psychology 咨询 15: Study Skills course.

7. How do I apply to a 4-year college or 大学?

每学期向你的辅导员报到,确保你符合要求 and are on track to 转移. There are 转移 application resources and 转移 application workshops 由 转移中心. Connect with your Counselor.


  1. 适用于 CalState应用.
  2. Check the priority filing period for when applications are being accepted.
  3. Admission essay is not required. There may be supplemental applications based on the 主要.


  1. 适用于 加州大学申请.
  2. Students generally apply one year in advance.
  3. 对四个个人洞察力问题的简短书面回答是申请的一部分 processhere . There may be a supplemental application based on the 主要.

应用ing to private and out-of-state universities

  1. Check the specific 大学's website or call the admissions office.
  2. Some universities may accept the 常见的应用程序.



 8. What does the term "转移" mean?

转学(转移)是指学生从社区大学升入大学的过程 大学

9. How long will it take to finish once I 转移?

完成的时间将由需求的数量决定 在你完成转学前,还有多少要求需要完成, and the number of 单位 you complete each term. If a student completes all of the GE及以下学部专业要求,共60个学期可转学 单位,并继续在转学机构全日制,学生应 able to graduate in two years.

10. How can I meet with a college representative?

来自许多学院的代表参观了位于700号楼的职业转学中心, 第二外语. 查看 转移韦德1946网站日历.

11. 什么是CSU GE或IGETC?

通识教育是一门提供广泛教育的课程 经验. 课程通常是介绍性的,为学生提供基础知识 英语、艺术、人文、数学、社会科学、物理方面的技能和知识 生物科学.

IGETC或跨部门通识教育转换课程是一种通识教育 社区大学生可以使用的程序,以满足低年级一般 education requirements at any CSU or UC campus.

计划转学到科罗拉多州立大学的学生可能希望完成科罗拉多州立大学的GE模式 而不是. Completion of IGETC is one option for students to use when preparing for 转移. 这不是唯一的选择,对于一些专业,如工程和科学, 不建议使用. Completing IGETC is not a requirement for 转移 to either 犯罪现场调查组或加州大学.

查看 中转中心网页 欲了解更多信息.

12. Do I need an Associates degree to 转移?

No, it is not required for 转移. Some students earn an Associates degree along the way while others do not. It is advisable to meet with a counselor to discuss options.

13. Can I 转移 as an undeclared 主要?

大多数学校要求转学生在申请时申报专业. 对加州州立大学或加州大学的受影响项目或选修专业感兴趣的学生必须 申请专业. 转移 admission policies will vary by campus for independent and out-of-state colleges and universities. Contact the admissions office of the 转移 institution of your choice for more information about applying as "undeclared".
对于需要专业指导的学生,心理咨询(PSCN) 10: Career Exploration course is recommended.

14. Can I change my 主要 after I 转移?

更改主要的能力完全取决于管理主要更改的规则 at the college or 大学 that a student will be attending.

15. How do I make myself a competitive applicant?

Students are encouraged to go beyond the minimum requirements for 转移. 不仅 学生是否应该努力保持有竞争力的GPA,而大学也会关注 at rigorousness of academic courses selected. UC's will also review the students' 个人陈述和课外活动(领导、志愿者、工作、 等.)优先考虑来自CA社区的高年级转学生 大学.

16. 什么是UC TAG?

UC TAG是一份转到加州大学的入学保证 (加州大学)校园. 参观 标签的网站 or attend a TAG workshop sponsored by the 转移中心 to learn about TAG your way in to the UC!

17. 什么是AA-T/AS-T?

转学文科副学士和转学理科副学士 (AS-T)是为计划完成学士学位的学生准备的课程 在科罗拉多州立大学学过类似专业.

获得AA-T或AS-T学位可以很容易地从加州社区转学 进入CSU系统. 了解更多韦德1946 CSU转学学位.

学生有资格获得文科副学士转学或文科副学士学位 在他们成功完成60个CSU可转移单元后进行科学转移 with a grade point average of 2.0 or better and have completed either the CSU General 教育广度(CSU- ge)或CSU跨部门通识教育转学课程 (IGETC),并在所有必修专业课程中取得“C”或以上的成绩 as listed for their chosen 主要.

18. I already have one bachelors degree. Can I 转移 and get another one?


19. What is certification and why is it important for 转移ring students?

Certification of CSU GE or IGETC is important in the 转移 process. 所有加州 State Universities accept a common pattern of general education. 认证 通用电气的证书是证明转学生已完成课程的正式通知 satisfying lower division general education requirements. Students may request 招生 and 记录 at Chabot for Certification of CSU GE or IGETC. The request for certification 在您要求将成绩单发送到大学时完成CSU的GE或IGETC (the 大学 has selected you and you have selected the 大学).



20. I got bad grades at another college. Do I need to inform my 转移 college?

是的. You are required to report all previous institutions that you have attended, 你不想提供虚假信息,因为这可能会导致无效 你的录取或学位.

21. Do Credit/No Credit (Pass/No Pass) grades 转移?

Varies by campus and specific course.  详情请咨询咨询师.

22. D成绩可以转学吗?

“D”等级不能用于IGETC,也不能用于通识教育的某些或所有领域 depending on the 大学, and not for the 主要. You will probably want to repeat "D" grades to improve your GPA.

23. How do "W's" affect 转移ability?

在大多数情况下,W不是录取决定的重点,除非有过量的 number of W's over a longer course of time.