Political Science Courses

这些列表来自课程网,有些课程可能不是每个学期都提供. 欲了解更多信息,请联系学术部门,与 counseling or refer to the current Class Schedule and College Catalog.

POSC 1 - Introduction to American Government    ( 3.00 - Units )
介绍美国政治理想和制度的历史发展和当前结构, including the Federal and California Constitutions, civil liberties and civil rights, political parties, campaigns and elections, and citizenship duties.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 对美国政治制度的起源有一个基本的了解, 结构和制度-使学生成为积极和知情的公民.
  2. 加强学生的能力,采取并有说服力地支持一个政治立场的证据/论证.
  3. Understand of the origins, structure, 和美国政治制度的机构,以及这些知识在维持美国民主中的价值.

POSC 12 - Introduction to California State and Local Government    ( 3.00 - Units )
国家政府和政治的组织和运作, county and municipal level; emphasis on current issues and the influences of historical, geographical, political, economic and social factors on California public policy.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Define direct democracy, explain its historical development in California, and analyze its strengths and weaknesses.
  2. 识别,讨论和分析加州和地方政府面临的当代政策问题.
  3. Describe the structure of California state government, explain the duties of each branch of government, and compare/contrast its structure with the federal government.

POSC 15 - Introduction to Public Policy    ( 3.00 - Units )
介绍美国公共政策在国家、州和地方层面的关键主题. 在公共政策和公共行政理论的背景下,讨论了机构和利益相关者的角色. 向学生介绍用于评估和分析公共问题领域的工具以及为解决这些问题而制定的公共政策.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Describe public policy concepts such as agenda setting, the structure and evaluation of the policymaking process, policy ethics, and policy budgeting.
  2. 以书面和/或口头形式有效分析一项或多项公共政策.
  3. 高度的公民责任感和运用在本地学到的知识和技能的愿望, state, or national contexts.

POSC 20 - Comparative Politics    ( 3.00 - Units )
Introduces basic concepts and methods of comparative analysis. Covers contemporary forms of governments and institutions; survey of political regimes and political problems of selected governments.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 学生将能够分析国家政府所依据的历史和文化价值体系之间的关系, and government type, structure, and policies.
  2. 学生将能够比较和对比不同的政府制度, national institutions, and political problems of selected governments.
  3. 学生将能够定义“政府”并描述其结构, institutions, 以及跨越至少三大洲的至少五个国家(美国除外)的主要政策挑战.

POSC 25 - Introduction to Political Theory    ( 3.00 - Units )
An introduction to various theoretical approaches to politics, 包括从古至今选定的政治思想家, 以及政治理论在当前政治现实中的应用.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 能够总结,比较和分析各种主要来源的政治哲学文本.
  2. 能够将抽象的政治理论概念应用于具体的社会问题.
  3. 区分各种形式的政治组织(政府结构)

POSC 30 - International Relations    ( 3.00 - Units )
An introduction to international politics, theories, and global institutions, 重点关注国际行为体及其相互作用. Emphasis on current events.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. Demonstrate basic understanding of international system: actors, institutions, nature of actor interactions and relationships.
  2. 将国际关系,理论概念应用于现实世界的情况.
  3. 能够口头表达对国际关系的想法和意见.

种族和性别的政治:历史,治理和公共政策    ( 3.00 - Units )
对影响美国传统上处于政治和社会不利地位的群体的地位和权力的历史和当代政治问题和关注的概述. These groups include, but are not limited to, African-Americans, Asian-Americans, Native Americans, Latinx, LGBT, and Women. 每个群体的政治历史,从他们到达今天被称为美国的领土,直到现代将被讨论. 学生将分析群体认同如何影响民主治理的过程. Public policy issues (i.e. education, health, 刑事司法)将根据其对边缘群体的影响加以考虑.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 讨论非裔美国人政治史上的一个或多个重要韦德1946网站, Asian Americans, Native Americans, Latinx Americans, American Women, and LGBT Americans;
  2. 讨论边缘化群体的政治代表性和政治参与对美国政治进程结果的重要性;
  3. 有效分析一项或多项公共政策如何不成比例地影响妇女, people of color, and LBGT Americans;
  4. 准确地解释交叉性,并有效地检查交叉性身份对当今美国政治的影响.

POSC 95 - Political Science Internship    ( 1.00 - Units )
政治科学实习课程为参加政治科学实习计划的学生提供了获得学分的机会. 所获得的单位以实习期间的工作时间为基础. Please contact a Political Science faculty member to enroll.

Student Learning Outcomes (SLO)
  1. 运用学术知识成功执行政治学实习的职责, public policy, or political advocacy.
  2. Demonstrate an understanding of career opportunities, job requirements, employer expectations, 政治科学领域的职业发展模式, public policy, or political advocacy.
  3. 自我识别的领域,他们需要磨练自己的学科特定知识或专业敏锐度,以在政治科学的职业生涯中取得成功, public policy, or political advocacy.
  4. Self-identify their own personal, academic, and professional strengths for jobs in Political Science, public policy, or political advocacy, 并在专业作品集或最终项目中展示其表达能力.